3 posts categorized "vanilla" Feed

Toast - by Leonard Nathan - There was a woman in Ithaca who cried softly all night in the next room and helpless I fell in love with her under the blanket of snow that settled on all the roofs of the town, filling up every dark depression. Next morning... Read more →

Posts prior to 2015 first appeared on my previous website, memory & desire (memoryanddesire.net).

The Iceberg Theory - by Gerald Locklin - all the food critics hate iceberg lettuce. you'd think romaine was descended from orpheus's laurel wreath, you'd think raw spinach had all the nutritional benefits attributed to it by popeye, not to mention aesthetic subtleties worthy of veriaine and debussy. they'll even... Read more →

Posts prior to 2015 first appeared on my previous website, memory & desire (memoryanddesire.net).