2 posts categorized "fruit" Feed

Pleasures - by Denise Levertov - I like to find what's not found at once, but lies within something of another nature, in repose, distinct. Gull feathers of glass, hidden in white pulp: the bones of squid which I pull out and lay blade by blade on the draining board—... Read more →

Posts prior to 2015 first appeared on my previous website, memory & desire (memoryanddesire.net).

The Poet's Occasional Alternative - by Grace Paley - I was going to write a poem I made a pie instead it took about the same amount of time of course the pie was a final draft a poem would have had some distance to go days and weeks and... Read more →

Posts prior to 2015 first appeared on my previous website, memory & desire (memoryanddesire.net).