3 posts categorized "clove" Feed

My Father's Hats - by Mark Irwin - Sunday mornings I would reach high into his dark closet while standing on a chair and tiptoeing reach higher, touching, sometimes fumbling the soft crowns and imagine I was in a forest, wind hymning through pines, where the musky scent of rain... Read more →

Posts prior to 2015 first appeared on my previous website, memory & desire (memoryanddesire.net).

Human Beauty - by Albert Goldbarth - If you write a poem about love ... the love is a bird, the poem is an origami bird. If you write a poem about death ... the death is a terrible fire, the poem is an offering of paper cutout flames you... Read more →

Posts prior to 2015 first appeared on my previous website, memory & desire (memoryanddesire.net).

To Earthward - by Robert Frost - Love at the lips was touch As sweet as I could bear; And once that seemed too much; I lived on air That crossed me from sweet things, The flow of—was it musk From hidden grapevine springs Down hill at dusk? I had... Read more →

Posts prior to 2015 first appeared on my previous website, memory & desire (memoryanddesire.net).