3 posts categorized "city" Feed

Public Transportation - by Elaine Sexton - She is perfectly ordinary, a cashmere scarf snugly wrapped around her neck. She is a middle age that is crisp, appealing in New York. She is a brain surgeon or a designer of blowdryers. I know this because I am in her skin... Read more →

Posts prior to 2015 first appeared on my previous website, memory & desire (memoryanddesire.net).

In a Station of the Metro The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough. - by Ezra Pound - From Poetry, April 1913. Online text via Poetry Foundation. The current spacing of the text is from a later modification of the poem by Pound,... Read more →

Posts prior to 2015 first appeared on my previous website, memory & desire (memoryanddesire.net).

Human Beauty - by Albert Goldbarth - If you write a poem about love ... the love is a bird, the poem is an origami bird. If you write a poem about death ... the death is a terrible fire, the poem is an offering of paper cutout flames you... Read more →

Posts prior to 2015 first appeared on my previous website, memory & desire (memoryanddesire.net).