2 posts categorized "citrus" Feed

Why I am not a Painter - by Frank O’Hara – I am not a painter, I am a poet. Why? I think I would rather be a painter, but I am not. Well, for instance, Mike Goldberg is starting a painting. I drop in. “Sit down and have a... Read more →

Posts prior to 2015 first appeared on my previous website, memory & desire (memoryanddesire.net).

Tangerine - by Ruth L. Schwartz - It was a flower once, it was one of a billion flowers whose perfume broke through closed car windows, forced a blessing on their drivers. Then what stayed behind grew swollen, as we do; grew juice instead of tears, and small hard sour... Read more →

Posts prior to 2015 first appeared on my previous website, memory & desire (memoryanddesire.net).